1. Disparity
a gap
1545-55; Middle French
Synonyms: divergence, variations
Antonyms: harmony, similarity
"Claims of Racial Disparity Are Misleading." - http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2014/04/06/what-it-means-if-the-death-penalty-is-dying/claims-of-racial-disparity-in-the-death-penalty-are-misleading
As represented in the picture, there is a large disparity in body composition and weight in modern society due to our diets and exercise. -
2. Forestall
to keep from happening
1350-1400; Middle English
Synonyms: avert, prevent
Antonyms: assist, allow
"Saudi dynasty moves to forestall succession crisis." - http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/30/us-saudi-succession-idUSBREA2T0DJ20140330
To forestall waking up late, be sure to set your alarm clock at least thirty minutes ahead, on the loudest setting, and if possible, multiple alarms. - http://www.forumshawaii.com/community/threads/describe-your-day-in-pictures.58557/
3. Insidious
subtly harmful
1535-45; Latin
Synonyms: dangerous, sly
Antonyms: fair, honest
"Thomas: Tea party lies about Obamacare are an insidious plan." - http://trib.com/news/opinion/thomas-tea-party-lies-about-obamacare-are-an-insidious-plan/article_ab6337ca-4244-55eb-9bcb-b3586b584ae8.html
In the early 1900's, smoking was insidious. Many people smoked, and no one knew, really, how deadly it could be. It was just an escape, a subtle killer. - http://uhaweb.hartford.edu/KRAKYTA/
4. Insinuate
to hint
1520-30; Latin
Synonyms: allude, imply
Antonyms: conceal, hide
"It's often used to insinuate the person is not his or her right mind." - http://www.gadsdentimes.com/article/20140404/NEWS/140409918/1001/NEWS?Title=OUR-VIEW-Animals-are-losers-again
It is insinuated that this cat is thirsty because it is searching for liquid in cups and what not. - http://benandbirdy.blogspot.com/2009/11/cranberry-sauce-oh-happy-thanksgiving.html
5. Interrogate
to ask questions
1475-85; Latin
Synonyms: examine, grill
Antonyms: answer, reply
"CIA misled on interrogation program, Senate report says." -
Johnny has been accused of stealing supplies from his office, so his boss is interrogating him to find the truth. - http://www.jgrell.com/project2/interview_index.html
6. Obsequious
overly eager to please
1375-1425; late Middle English
Synonyms: abject, beggarly
Antonyms: assertive, arrogant
"John Newcombe's station is famous for its over-the-top friendly (if not downright obsequious) service with a smile." - http://www.ottawacitizen.com/Meet+wash+owner+Adams+accused+being+rude/9697693/story.html
Morton is being obsequious towards his boss, flattering him and such, just to get a promotion at work. - http://www.jantoo.com/cartoons/keywords/obsequious
7. Omnipotent
1275-1325; Middle English
Synonyms: divine, almighty
Antonyms: impotent, weak
"Ukraine shows that Western politicians are no longer omnipotent." - http://www.leftfootforward.org/2014/04/ukraine-shows-that-western-politicians-are-no-longer-omnipotent/
In Christianity, we worship a single omnipotent God. - http://www.futilitycloset.com/2010/03/11/power-failure/
8. Opportune
1375-1425; late Middle English
Synonyms: convenient, timely
Antonyms: unlucky, unfortunate
"Incoming chief Andrew Thorburn will steer NAB at an opportune time." - http://www.heraldsun.com.au/business/incoming-chief-andrew-thorburn-will-steer-nab-at-an-opportune-time-analysts-say/story-fni0dcne-1226873278725
This picture was taken at the opportune moment to catch the last moments of this poor fish's life before he was tragically murdered by a bear. - http://keithwebb.com/spot-opportune-moments-act/
9. Permeate
to penetrate
1650-60; Latin
Synonyms: saturate, impregnate
Antonyms: dehydrate, dry
"If you've been reading this paper for the last few years, you've learned a lot about corruption and injustice that seems to permeate the area." - http://www.sanduskyregister.com/blog/bob-russ/5495901
The smell of the fruit cake permeated the entire room. The scent filled our noses and made our mouths water. - http://www.leadsusaglobal.com/products/animal-feed-ingredients/milk-permeate/
10. Retribution
a penalty
1350-1400; Middle English
Synonyms: punishment, comeuppance
Antonyms: sympathy, pardon
"Kauai councilman settles lawsuit over political retribution." - http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/breaking/20140404_kauai_councilman_settles_lawsuit_over_political_retribution.html?id=253994251
In soccer, there is usually a retribution for bad sportsmanship and fouls. The penalty is usually resolved with a, of course, penalty kick. - http://www.gameranx.com/updates/id/2966/article/fifa-12-how-to-save-a-penalty-kick-tutorial/
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