1. Squalid
foul and repulsive, neglected
1585-95; Latin
Synonyms: dingy, run-down
Antonyms: bright, clean
"9 Investigates delay in removing children from squalid home." - http://www.wftv.com/news/news/local/9-investigates-delay-removing-children-squalid-hom/nfrqS/
This squalid home has been neglected for many years, the owners simply using it as a repulsive dump. - http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01428/squalid_1428867c.jpg
2. Impertinence
unmannerly intrusion or presumption; insolence
(im-pur-tn-uh ns)
1595-1605; Latin
Synonyms: boldness, audacity
Antonyms: fear, humility
"the impertinence of this provocation hits in the eye," he said." - http://en.itar-tass.com/world/732482
In the popular story "The Giving Tree", the young boy has the impertinence to continue asking for gifts from the tree as he increasingly neglects it. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh7tsKUmtbgTu8WUgECbkatuq_Gid5XJ7DjzIpaQrWYr96lo1RRsPfoudsMUZAK1pyL-QoOc8LiGM4NvscCx55TCoL7731WfZvud_uuKTf7cLal2V6Bn30tbwenMfkyHic9BxULEhKIaKe0/s320/objectivisttree.jpg
3. Veneer
a superficially valuable or pleasing appearance
1695-1705; German
Synonyms: pretense, front
Antonyms: reality, true
"GOP: With a few scratches, a veneer of unity." - http://www.newsday.com/long-island/politics/spin-cycle-1.812042/gop-with-a-few-scratches-a-veneer-of-unity-1.8031051
To have the most fool-proof veneer, some people even go so far as to put on fake teeth to impress others." - http://www.fixaridental.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/veneer.jpg
4. Brevity
shortness of time or duration
1500-10; Anglo-French
Synonyms: crispness, terseness
Antonyms: longevity, permanence
"Brevity not the soul of wit for new Acas Code on Flexible Working." - http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=2cfbebb6-fca0-41dd-b485-b30c45fbcad4
In brevity, the Geico Gecko tells all customers need to know in four simple words ".....need I say more?" - http://www.dearblogger.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/geicobillboard21-1.png
5. Spurious
not genuine, authentic, or true; not from the claimed, pretended
(spyoo r-ee-uh s)
1590-1600; Latin
Synonyms: bogus, false
Antonyms: genuine, real
"Propagandists masquerade as think tanks to push spurious science." - http://www.theage.com.au/comment/propagandists-masquerade-as-think-tanks-to-push-spurious-science-20140501-zr2mo.html
Many business investors have to be spurious, have a fake attitude to deal with clients and partners for the best deals and advantages. - http://img.tfd.com/wn/ED/17E891-spurious.png
6. Perforated
pierced with a hole or holes
1480-90; Latin
Synonyms: puncture, permeate
Antonyms: close, impermeable
"Treatment of Perforated Appendicitis in Children: Focus on Phlegmon." - http://insurancenewsnet.com/oarticle/2014/04/24/treatment-of-perforated-appendicitis-in-children-focus-on-phlegmon-a-494284.html
Most toilet papers are perforated, so there are individual sheets along dotted lines to save toilet paper. - http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/perforated-toilet-paper-roll-16681227.jpg
7. Annals
a record of events, especially a yearly record
1555-65; Middle English
Synonyms: chronicles, journal
Antonyms: not recording, ignoring records
"Panthers prepare for third trip to semifinals in school annals." - http://www.iberianet.com/sports/panthers-prepare-for-third-trip-to-semifinals-in-school-annals/article_561dcf20-dc21-11e3-9399-001a4bcf887a.html
Typically, all schools have annals, or records of events, to keep all their student information tidy, year to year, student to student. - http://homepage.eircom.net/~williamfinnerty/name/6-books.jpg
8. Eccentricities
an oddity or peculiarity, as of conduct
(ek-suh n-tris-i-tee)
1545-55; Medieval Latin
Synonyms: idiosyncrasy, quirk
Antonyms: normalcy, regularity
"Gloriously bombastic ballad that has producers reaching into their trick bags for electronic eccentricities." - http://www.thebacklot.com/hump-day-with-adam-lambert-golden-anniversary/05/2014/
Lady Gaga is known for her eccentricities relating to her outfits; her fashion choices show she has an odd personality and a strange sense of humor. - http://theglamoroushousewife.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/gaga+7.jpg
9. Irascible
easily provoked to anger; very irritable
(ih-ras-uh-buh l)
1350-1400; Middle English
Synonyms: cranky, grouchy
Antonyms: cool, pleasant
"Irascible and unpredictable, but new boss is never boring." - http://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/irascible-and-unpredictable-but-new-boss-is-never-boring-269247.html
Bruce Banner is a famous character, known for being irascible, but when he gets irritated, he turns into a green rage monster. - http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/271/d/c/the_incredible__irascible_hulk_by_doctorrat-d5g6e9r.jpg
10. Pinioned
to disable, restrain, bind
(pin-yuh n)
1400-50; late Middle English
Synonyms: shackle, wrap
Antonyms: uncover, assist
"However, a man pinioned, and at personal inspection Makarov pistol with ammunition was found." - http://www.eng.24.kg/news-stall/170596-news24.html
Typically, when someone is brought in on charges, they are pinioned, or bound, so they cannot commit further crimes. - http://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/1/285x214/190247_1.jpg
11. Untrammeled
unrestrained personally
(un-tram-uh l-ed)
1325-75; Middle English
Synonyms: able, free
Antonyms: blocked, closed
"On the one hand, Congress and the states are given untrammeled power over all spending on the expression of opinions about candidates..." - http://www.nationalreview.com/bench-memos/378515/oxymoronic-constitutionally-illiterate-udall-amendment-matthew-j-franck
The waterfall and tropical setting gives the travelers an untrammeled, free spirit, to be at peace and one with nature. - http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2012/01/15/travel/15OVERNIGHTER4/15OVERNIGHTER4-articleInline.jpg
12. Vicinity
the area or region near or about a place
1550-60; Latin
Synonyms: neighborhood, proximity
Antonyms: faraway, distant
"Theo: Lost Dog in The Berkeley Heights Vicinity." - http://thealternativepress.com/articles/theo-lost-dog-in-the-berkeley-heights-vicinity
The vicinity around the large river was swamp land and damp all year around. - http://www.most.go.th/aysf2011/images/stories/maps/SSH_TSP_NSTDA_TU_AIT_vicinity_Map.jpg
to cooperate secretly; conspire
1595-1605; French
Synonyms: plot, scheme
Antonyms: help, assist
"Bush: 'I have not connived' with independents" - http://www.compasscayman.com/caycompass/2014/04/24/Bush---I-have-not-connived--with-independents/
9/11 is a famous event in with Middle Eastern terrorist connived against the American people and bombed New York City. - http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/399/cache/september-9-11-attacks-anniversary-ground-zero-world-trade-center-pentagon-flight-93-second-airplane-wtc_39997_600x450.jpg
14. Honed
to sharpen, enlarge, make more acute or effective
before 950; Middle English
Synonyms: whet, file
Antonyms: dull, lessen
"'Heartbreak House' cast honed into fine-tuned humor machine." - http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/greater_houston/entertainment/heartbreak-house-cast-honed-into-fine-tuned-humor-machine/article_214736a0-0024-59a1-ab51-7e745c214c19.html
This granite counter top was honed down, sharpened and smoothed for safe and aesthetically pleasing use in the kitchen. - http://www.natural-stone-interiors.com/image-files/green-honed-granite.jpg
15. Amiable
having or showing pleasant, good-nature personal qualities
(ey-mee-uh-buh l)
1300-50; Middle English
Synonyms: cordial, cheerful
Antonyms: aloof, hostile
"George Will: 'I'm an Amiable, Low-Voltage Atheist'" - http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/george-will-atheist-god-book/2014/05/04/id/569365/
In working in a service industry, it is important to be amiable so your customers with continue to give your store/section work compared to your competitors. - http://www.retaildoc.com/wp-content/upLoads/2011/10/iStock_000015403158XSmall_amiable.jpg
16. Acquiescence
agreement or consent by silence or without objection; reluctant agreement
(ak-wee-es-uh ns)
1625-35; Latin
Synonyms: consent; acceptance
Antonyms: refusal, dissent
"Acquiescence: Trion Worlds' shooty MMO Defiance." - http://www.pcgamesn.com/acquiescence-trion-worlds-shooty-mmo-defiance-will-go-free-play-june
John and Sara have a acquiescence: John will protect Sara as long as she feeds him, which she does reluctantly, seeing as she needs to eat herself. - http://shanajames.com/cms/w/altruism-and-acquiescence.jpg
Maddy's Prodigious Vocab Blog
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Week of May 11th, 2014
1. Fey
whimsical; strange; otherworldly
before 900; Middle English
Synonyms: dead, elfin
Antonyms: normal, ordinary
"A strange child with a mysterious smile and a fey manner." - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fey?s=t
This fey, whimsical bed looks as if it could belong in a fairy tale forest. - http://24.media.tumblr.com/340b052a003cf21ef064530df542f3e5/tumblr_meqiofcgMf1rufvi2o1_1280.jpg
2. Akimbo
with hand on hip and elbow bent outward
adjective, adverb
1375-1425; late Middle English
Synonyms: bent, jagged
Antonyms: fat, straight
".....shot into the fastest head-over-heels flip, with twists, tail and paws akimbo, landing with a nonchalant air of ---what?" - http://smdp.com/curious-city-squirrels-camels-and-hidden-string-pullers/134541
Jim has a funny way of getting what he wanted; whenever he wanted something, he would stand with his arms akimbo with a sassy look on his face and stared down his mother until she caved. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj6dyZefhSG1b98qtrVk-utNs3mf0JKmw3s4NSM6K2Tm91-0PLDIXLpavGCvRsokBtiNNXRxpEy_8Ywt1mGCsury10ITJ7C55ytoXHe9bhIfSqJ8aEnNaOrVzU5iOE7s5EaTK-ciUbJKxI/s1600/Akimbo_%2528PSF%2529.jpg
3. Acrimonious
caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature, speech, behavior, etc.
(ak-ruh-moh-nee-uh s)
1605-15; Medieval Latin
Synonyms: rancorous, testy
Antonyms: pleasant, kind
"Dewhurst, Patrick clash in acrimonious televised debate." - http://www.kvue.com/news/Dewhurst-Patrick-clash-in-acrimonious-debate-258379891.html
The newly weds are having an acrimoniously bitter argument about spending too much time at work; slowly, their romance falls into trouble. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhGy2DzIykk5qBl1fGChiL1O8DL5T6Ew0UmuUorxFIbOVg2fJzOcVZuF00Y9ainA-7VC8xVf78V_lREu5_RhtGrcyQtGjDbXfLYqyPXhmLVEmos2QJeesP8G47HPMe8bwY9AuksbgujFmw/s320/acrimonious
4. Bantam
a small and feisty or quarrelsome person
(ban-tuh m)
1740-50; apparently after Bantam, though which such chickens may have been imported to Europe
Synonyms: diminutive, little
Antonyms: huge, large
"Home Sports Arnprior centre top bantam player protected by the......." - http://www.insideottawavalley.com/sports-story/4521061-arnprior-centre-top-bantam-player-protected-by-the-pembroke-lumber-kings/
Anna from Disney's Frozen could be considered a bantam person, due to being small and occasionally sassy and feisty. - http://static.tumblr.com/f5f56b1cd07c2f13e3b358590212b6cc/wibpg7b/zNkn41fth/tumblr_static_4e6dx63vgo00sos0w8k88w8c8.gif
5. Browbeating
to intimidate by overbearing looks or words
1575-85; Middle English
Synonyms: badger, bully
Antonyms: aid, assist
"Attributes sorely lacking from the Pistons in recent season - are attainable without the constant browbeating." - http://www.freep.com/article/20140515/COL08/305150044/drew-sharp-detroit-pistons-stan-van-gundy
Rocky bullies his victims by browbeating them, or by intimidating them with looks and words, however he never actually hurts them. - http://workrelationships.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/bully.jpg
6. Exodus
a going out, a departure or emigration
(ek-suh-duh s)
<Latin: a going out <Greek a marching out, going out
Synonyms: departure, evacuation
Antonyms: stay, arrival
"After decades of exodus, companies returning production to the US." - http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-returning-jobs-20140513-story.html
Moses is famous for leading an exodus of his people out of Egypt. - http://www.bible.ca/archeology/bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-water-from-rock-moses.jpg
7. Contraband
anything prohibited by law from being imported or exported
1520-30; Spanish
Synonyms: illicit, bootleg
Antonyms: legal, permitted
"How Tacky T-shirts Became Contraband in New Orleans." - http://reason.com/archives/2014/05/14/new-orleans-t-shirt-shop-zoning-fight
Many drugs are contraband: they are illegal, explicit, and prohibited by law and are difficult to import and export. - http://www.corrections.com/system/article/image/28376/Contraband-d.jpg?1302432340
8. Temerity
reckless boldness; rashness
1400-50; late Middle English
Synonyms: gall, daring
Antonyms: modesty, humility
"The temerity of a coconut." - http://www.enca.com/opinion/temerity-coconut
In fashion, a model typically has a temerity that is necessary to be confident in some of the bold outfits they wear. - http://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/583303/165115655/stock-photo-istanbul-november-a-model-walks-on-the-temer-leather-catwalk-during-th-istanbul-leather-fair-165115655.jpg
9. Iota
a very small quantity; jot; whit
1600-10; Latin
Synonyms: ounce, smidgen
Antonyms: lot, large
Your Thanks: Alpha Iota Chapter appreciates support of fiction...." - http://www.gazettextra.com/article/20140511/ARTICLES/140509648/1037
Measuring cups have units of iota to measure ingredients. - http://www.bigkitchen.com/MerchantUploads/edgeCPIGroup/55175OL11.jpg
10. Aridity
being without moisture
1645-55; Latin
Synonyms: dry, parched
Antonyms: wet, soaked
"From Aridity to Artificial Flood." - http://kanglaonline.com/2014/05/from-aridity-to-artificial-flood/
The arid soil had been deprived of water for millions of years. - http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2032/2265564304_f11117400c_o.jpg
11. Tacit
understood without being openly expressed; implied
1595-1605; Latin
Synonyms: implicit, indirect
Antonyms: stated, explicit
"A Seductive Abstraction: Architecture & Photography's Tacit Pact." - http://www.archdaily.com/499029/a-seductive-abstraction-architecture-and-photography-s-tacit-pact/
In some conversations, it might seem like everything that is said is as far as the conversation goes (the tip of the iceberg), but actually there is much more implied and not exactly stated in the conversation (submerged iceberg). - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/KM_iceberg.png
12. Caliber
the diameter of something of circular section, especially that of the inside of a tube
1560-70; Middle French
Synonyms: ability, competence
Antonyms: inability, inadequacy
"That's a large-caliber Desert Eagle he's holding....but keep your eye..." - http://www.theblaze.com/blog/2014/05/13/thats-a-large-caliber-desert-eagle-hes-holdingbut-keep-your-eye-on-the-hat/
Guns can be classified by their caliber, or their diameter. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgSDnEXagWuUIrOBvFXjLOQ0PKR0ML0rg_wkuuJWUFhk7aolnYZpgx1vZkHDx8yqDESM9iVKfiDITEt64k4sMprog4LeVgRWRI5wnVawjoXNaUFo9AV4oY_kEmyOY4SeZWxgv2BmmwsTi4/s1600/1273356844929.jpg
the acceptance of all things and events as inevitable; submission to fate
(feyt-l-is-uh m)
1670-80; late Middle English
Synonyms: bleak, depressed
Antonyms: bright, cheerful
"In Nunavut, a less fatalistic word for cancer." - http://arcticjournal.com/culture/583/nunavut-less-fatalistic-word-cancer
A fatalistic person has given up hope and would be okay just watching the world burn. - http://frenchtribune.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article/us-failed-policy-curb-climate-change-fatalistic-attitude-end-world.jpg
14. Infantile
characteristic of or befitting an infant; babyish; childish
(in-fuh n-tahyl)
1690-1700; Latin
Synonyms: childish, sophomoric
Antonyms: mature, adult
"Bad Neighbours is infantile yet inspired." - http://metro.co.uk/2014/05/02/bad-neighbours-is-infantile-yet-inspired-4715458/
John seemed to have an infantile behavior when he threw a hissy fit because he couldn't get him ANOTHER new town. - https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=694&bih=678&q=fey&oq=fey&gs_l=img.3..0l6j0i10j0l3.7579.7914.0.8137.
15. Acquittal
the act of acquitting; discharge, release
1400-50; late Middle English
Synonyms: absolution, amnesty
Antonyms: employment, hiring
"SAC's Steinberg loses bid for insider trading acquittal." - http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/15/us-sac-steinberg-idUSBREA4E12B20140515
Sometimes a judge may make an acquittal out of a trial/case, so he dismisses the case. - http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/wcfcourier.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/1/87/1871d94a-a865-11de-a9df-001cc4c03286/1871d94a-a865-11de-a9df-001cc4c03286.preview-300.jpg
16. Vehement
zealous; ardent; impassioned
1475-85; Latin
Synonyms: furious, zealous
Antonyms: pleased, peaceful
"Endurance on Aspen's "Vehement Refusal". - http://bernews.com/2014/04/endurance-on-aspens-vehement-refusal/
Many people could consider a tiger to be a vehement animal and could be viewed as a violent and dangerous animal, however tigers can also be pleasant and peaceful. - http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/227/6/e/Vehement__Tiger_garr__by_animel.png
whimsical; strange; otherworldly
before 900; Middle English
Synonyms: dead, elfin
Antonyms: normal, ordinary
"A strange child with a mysterious smile and a fey manner." - http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fey?s=t
This fey, whimsical bed looks as if it could belong in a fairy tale forest. - http://24.media.tumblr.com/340b052a003cf21ef064530df542f3e5/tumblr_meqiofcgMf1rufvi2o1_1280.jpg
2. Akimbo
with hand on hip and elbow bent outward
adjective, adverb
1375-1425; late Middle English
Synonyms: bent, jagged
Antonyms: fat, straight
".....shot into the fastest head-over-heels flip, with twists, tail and paws akimbo, landing with a nonchalant air of ---what?" - http://smdp.com/curious-city-squirrels-camels-and-hidden-string-pullers/134541
Jim has a funny way of getting what he wanted; whenever he wanted something, he would stand with his arms akimbo with a sassy look on his face and stared down his mother until she caved. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj6dyZefhSG1b98qtrVk-utNs3mf0JKmw3s4NSM6K2Tm91-0PLDIXLpavGCvRsokBtiNNXRxpEy_8Ywt1mGCsury10ITJ7C55ytoXHe9bhIfSqJ8aEnNaOrVzU5iOE7s5EaTK-ciUbJKxI/s1600/Akimbo_%2528PSF%2529.jpg
3. Acrimonious
caustic, stinging, or bitter in nature, speech, behavior, etc.
(ak-ruh-moh-nee-uh s)
1605-15; Medieval Latin
Synonyms: rancorous, testy
Antonyms: pleasant, kind
"Dewhurst, Patrick clash in acrimonious televised debate." - http://www.kvue.com/news/Dewhurst-Patrick-clash-in-acrimonious-debate-258379891.html
The newly weds are having an acrimoniously bitter argument about spending too much time at work; slowly, their romance falls into trouble. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhGy2DzIykk5qBl1fGChiL1O8DL5T6Ew0UmuUorxFIbOVg2fJzOcVZuF00Y9ainA-7VC8xVf78V_lREu5_RhtGrcyQtGjDbXfLYqyPXhmLVEmos2QJeesP8G47HPMe8bwY9AuksbgujFmw/s320/acrimonious
4. Bantam
a small and feisty or quarrelsome person
(ban-tuh m)
1740-50; apparently after Bantam, though which such chickens may have been imported to Europe
Synonyms: diminutive, little
Antonyms: huge, large
"Home Sports Arnprior centre top bantam player protected by the......." - http://www.insideottawavalley.com/sports-story/4521061-arnprior-centre-top-bantam-player-protected-by-the-pembroke-lumber-kings/
Anna from Disney's Frozen could be considered a bantam person, due to being small and occasionally sassy and feisty. - http://static.tumblr.com/f5f56b1cd07c2f13e3b358590212b6cc/wibpg7b/zNkn41fth/tumblr_static_4e6dx63vgo00sos0w8k88w8c8.gif
5. Browbeating
to intimidate by overbearing looks or words
1575-85; Middle English
Synonyms: badger, bully
Antonyms: aid, assist
"Attributes sorely lacking from the Pistons in recent season - are attainable without the constant browbeating." - http://www.freep.com/article/20140515/COL08/305150044/drew-sharp-detroit-pistons-stan-van-gundy
Rocky bullies his victims by browbeating them, or by intimidating them with looks and words, however he never actually hurts them. - http://workrelationships.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/bully.jpg
6. Exodus
a going out, a departure or emigration
(ek-suh-duh s)
<Latin: a going out <Greek a marching out, going out
Synonyms: departure, evacuation
Antonyms: stay, arrival
"After decades of exodus, companies returning production to the US." - http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-returning-jobs-20140513-story.html
Moses is famous for leading an exodus of his people out of Egypt. - http://www.bible.ca/archeology/bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-water-from-rock-moses.jpg
7. Contraband
anything prohibited by law from being imported or exported
1520-30; Spanish
Synonyms: illicit, bootleg
Antonyms: legal, permitted
"How Tacky T-shirts Became Contraband in New Orleans." - http://reason.com/archives/2014/05/14/new-orleans-t-shirt-shop-zoning-fight
Many drugs are contraband: they are illegal, explicit, and prohibited by law and are difficult to import and export. - http://www.corrections.com/system/article/image/28376/Contraband-d.jpg?1302432340
8. Temerity
reckless boldness; rashness
1400-50; late Middle English
Synonyms: gall, daring
Antonyms: modesty, humility
"The temerity of a coconut." - http://www.enca.com/opinion/temerity-coconut
In fashion, a model typically has a temerity that is necessary to be confident in some of the bold outfits they wear. - http://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/583303/165115655/stock-photo-istanbul-november-a-model-walks-on-the-temer-leather-catwalk-during-th-istanbul-leather-fair-165115655.jpg
9. Iota
a very small quantity; jot; whit
1600-10; Latin
Synonyms: ounce, smidgen
Antonyms: lot, large
Your Thanks: Alpha Iota Chapter appreciates support of fiction...." - http://www.gazettextra.com/article/20140511/ARTICLES/140509648/1037
Measuring cups have units of iota to measure ingredients. - http://www.bigkitchen.com/MerchantUploads/edgeCPIGroup/55175OL11.jpg
10. Aridity
being without moisture
1645-55; Latin
Synonyms: dry, parched
Antonyms: wet, soaked
"From Aridity to Artificial Flood." - http://kanglaonline.com/2014/05/from-aridity-to-artificial-flood/
The arid soil had been deprived of water for millions of years. - http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2032/2265564304_f11117400c_o.jpg
11. Tacit
understood without being openly expressed; implied
1595-1605; Latin
Synonyms: implicit, indirect
Antonyms: stated, explicit
"A Seductive Abstraction: Architecture & Photography's Tacit Pact." - http://www.archdaily.com/499029/a-seductive-abstraction-architecture-and-photography-s-tacit-pact/
In some conversations, it might seem like everything that is said is as far as the conversation goes (the tip of the iceberg), but actually there is much more implied and not exactly stated in the conversation (submerged iceberg). - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/KM_iceberg.png
12. Caliber
the diameter of something of circular section, especially that of the inside of a tube
1560-70; Middle French
Synonyms: ability, competence
Antonyms: inability, inadequacy
"That's a large-caliber Desert Eagle he's holding....but keep your eye..." - http://www.theblaze.com/blog/2014/05/13/thats-a-large-caliber-desert-eagle-hes-holdingbut-keep-your-eye-on-the-hat/
Guns can be classified by their caliber, or their diameter. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgSDnEXagWuUIrOBvFXjLOQ0PKR0ML0rg_wkuuJWUFhk7aolnYZpgx1vZkHDx8yqDESM9iVKfiDITEt64k4sMprog4LeVgRWRI5wnVawjoXNaUFo9AV4oY_kEmyOY4SeZWxgv2BmmwsTi4/s1600/1273356844929.jpg
the acceptance of all things and events as inevitable; submission to fate
(feyt-l-is-uh m)
1670-80; late Middle English
Synonyms: bleak, depressed
Antonyms: bright, cheerful
"In Nunavut, a less fatalistic word for cancer." - http://arcticjournal.com/culture/583/nunavut-less-fatalistic-word-cancer
A fatalistic person has given up hope and would be okay just watching the world burn. - http://frenchtribune.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article/us-failed-policy-curb-climate-change-fatalistic-attitude-end-world.jpg
14. Infantile
characteristic of or befitting an infant; babyish; childish
(in-fuh n-tahyl)
1690-1700; Latin
Synonyms: childish, sophomoric
Antonyms: mature, adult
"Bad Neighbours is infantile yet inspired." - http://metro.co.uk/2014/05/02/bad-neighbours-is-infantile-yet-inspired-4715458/
John seemed to have an infantile behavior when he threw a hissy fit because he couldn't get him ANOTHER new town. - https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=694&bih=678&q=fey&oq=fey&gs_l=img.3..0l6j0i10j0l3.7579.7914.0.8137.
15. Acquittal
the act of acquitting; discharge, release
1400-50; late Middle English
Synonyms: absolution, amnesty
Antonyms: employment, hiring
"SAC's Steinberg loses bid for insider trading acquittal." - http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/15/us-sac-steinberg-idUSBREA4E12B20140515
Sometimes a judge may make an acquittal out of a trial/case, so he dismisses the case. - http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/wcfcourier.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/1/87/1871d94a-a865-11de-a9df-001cc4c03286/1871d94a-a865-11de-a9df-001cc4c03286.preview-300.jpg
16. Vehement
zealous; ardent; impassioned
1475-85; Latin
Synonyms: furious, zealous
Antonyms: pleased, peaceful
"Endurance on Aspen's "Vehement Refusal". - http://bernews.com/2014/04/endurance-on-aspens-vehement-refusal/
Many people could consider a tiger to be a vehement animal and could be viewed as a violent and dangerous animal, however tigers can also be pleasant and peaceful. - http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/227/6/e/Vehement__Tiger_garr__by_animel.png
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Week of May 5th, 2014
1. Guilelessness
free from guile; sincere, honest, frank
1720-30; Latin
Synonyms: directness, simplicity
Antonyms: deceit, dishonesty
"There's a guilelessness at the core of his argument - that he will not apologize for his privilege." - http://www.salon.com/2014/05/06/right_wing_wunderkind_syndrome_whats_really_behind_the_popularity_of_tal_fortgang/
Guilelessness children are ideal children: innocent, charming, honest, and sincere. - http://taureanw.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/pure_innocence_by_loolah.jpg
2. Tarried
to remain or stay
1275-1325; Middle English
Synonyms: dwell, drag
Antonyms: advance, rush
"We tarried until the sun had risen, but the fog remained as dense as ever." - http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/bizarre-events-confirm-washingtons-faith/
These well behaved dogs are trained and are tarrying in one spot. - http://www.dogguide.net/images/Stay.jpg
3. Contemporaries
existing, occurring, or living at the same time
1625-35; Late Latin
Synonyms: time, breed
Antonyms; destruction, waste
"Tiger Shroff Beats Rajinikanth And Other Bollywood Contemporaries." - http://businessofcinema.com/news/tiger-shroff-beats-rajinikanth-bollywood-contemporaries/143808
Shakespeare lived in the times of Queen Elizabeth and other contemporaries. - http://shakespeare.emory.edu/illustrations/Faed.Shakespeare.jpg
4. Mausoleum
a stately and magnificent tomb
1375-1425; late Middle English
Synonyms: burial, cemetery
Antonyms: alive, well
"Vietnamese mother, daughter living in Taoyuan mausoleum deported." - http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?id=20140508000070&cid=1103
This elegant mausoleum belonged to the Smith family, who had great enough wealth to afford such a fine, fancy tomb. - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/Oakwood_Mausoleum.JPG
5. Apoplectic
having apoplexy (stroke)
1605-15; Late Latin
Synonyms: frozen, immobile
Antonyms: alive, lively
"Apoplectic about home renovations: Gaglardi Jr. testifies." - http://infotel.ca/newsitem/apoplectic-about-home-renovations-gaglardi-sr-testifies/it9360
Apoplectic people could become deprived of blood in the brain and should be monitored. - http://www.island.lk/2009/01/06/fea72.jpg
6. Palliation
to relieve, alleviate
1540-50; Late Latin
Synonyms: cure, ease
Antonyms: aggravation
"Palliation is rarely a topic in studies on advanced cancer." - http://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-04-palliation-rarely-topic-advanced-cancer.html
Even something as simple as showing patience and caring toward the sick and elderly can help palliate and alleviate their pain and suffering. - https://www.lunge.dk/sites/default/files/styles/tall_image/public/haender_til_web_2.jpg?itok=xDZe3nGJ
7. Qualm
a sudden feeling of apprehensive uneasiness
1520-30; origin uncertain
Synonyms: nervousness, anxiety
Antonyms: calm, collected
"No qualm about child marriage." - http://bdnews24.com/bangladesh/2014/04/28/no-qualm-about-child-marriage
Feeling a qualm, Josiah suddenly decided he was to afraid to ride the motorcycle on the street. - http://www.digitaltrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/BlackBerry-Torch-9810-sample-image.jpg
8. Papoose
a North American Indian baby or young child
1625-35; Americanism
Synonyms: babe, child
Antonyms: adult, elder
"Woman, possibly drunk, arrested with baby in papoose." - http://www.fox21news.com/news/story.aspx?id=1039826
Sacajawea is famous for exploring western America with her child, papoose-style on her back. - http://www.jandklongphotography.com/_images/gallery-old-west-portraits/images/pee-a-rat-and-baby-ute_jpg.jpg
9. Myopic
nearsighted, shortsighted, narrow-minded
1790-1800; Latin
Synonyms: blind, biased
Antonyms: far-sighted, perfect vision
"PM may be a myopic not to see Modi wave: Arun Jaitley." - http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/pm-may-be-a-myopic-not-to-see-modi-wave-arun-jaitley/
Due to specific abnormalities to the eyeball, a person can become myopic and not see well far away. - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ae/Myopia.gif
10. Amanuensis
a person employed to write what another dictates, secretary
1610-20; Latin
Synonyms: auditor, bookkeeper
Antonyms: boss, in charge
"Even so, knowing that the axiom that allures a drone should be an amanuensis, many of the escapades for my propagandist incarcerate." - http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2014/04/30/perelmanexcerpt/Rm2R9bXlg3WC7i2531eOpO/story.html
This picture shows an amanuensis acting as secretary to a trial case. - http://www.scruta.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/amanuensis.jpg
11. Penitentiary
a place for imprisonment, discipline, or punishment
1375-1425; late Middle English
Synonyms: lockup, jail
Antonyms: freedom, release
"New penitentiary speaks to Walla Walla Sunrise Rotary." - http://union-bulletin.com/news/2014/may/08/new-penitentiary-speaks-walla-walla-sunrise-rotary/
Azkaban is a famous penitentiary for wizards and witches who abuse magic. - http://www.hp-lexicon.org/images/azkaban-island-uk-cover.jpg
12. Edification
the state of being edified; uplift
1350-1400; Middle English
Synonyms: elevation, knowledge
Antonyms: destruction, worsening
"For years, I was doing unofficial research for my own edification." - http://triblive.com/neighborhoods/yourmtpleasant/6035523-74/glass-hawkins-bryce
Being with friends can be uplifting and put on in the state of edification. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhXteKr-gWxFEWcZ7vwqiukb1Nb6RFAI9SVIq3s3SjaeyjollfEfROr3HFB35HErHE_QiLcfGmWO81BGp94n-VR1kIeLCZDXPUoO7CZgqKK8_2FIG4daZ3nyrVwlmuBtytFWD4S0tlHEeo/s1600/family.jpg
13. Encumbered
to impede, hinder, hamper
1300-50; Middle English
Synonyms: overburden, block
Antonyms: advance, aid
"Huff Encumbered By New-Car Issues In Searing Moroccan Qualifying." - http://paddocktalk.com/news/html/story-248090.html
The lock on this mouth is encumbering the person from speaking out and being free. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjeUb4RFTZ5OHMoEqk6CSQhEimtaCVYYdNNiDJZy3o2DdXAdqWK-1G_82g4GHN7TiOGWDAXEf24Fn5Z_aw1qKawiow9r-WZwM4TFOFvqY5zL7XRhM3uNz1xGyz8taNFE5ApcymA2zbYTogc/s1600/Zip_it_!.jpg
14. Aggregation
a group or mass of distinct or varied things
1540-50; Medieval Latin
Synonyms: gathering, all
Antonyms: miscellaneous, unorganized
"New Aggregation App Yahoo News Digest Launches for Android." - http://www.droid-life.com/2014/05/08/news-aggregation-app-yahoo-news-launches-for-android/
In the picture, workers are having an aggregation of puzzle pieces, putting similar pieces together. - http://www.humanpotentialsunlimited.com/images/puzzlepic.jpg
free from guile; sincere, honest, frank
1720-30; Latin
Synonyms: directness, simplicity
Antonyms: deceit, dishonesty
"There's a guilelessness at the core of his argument - that he will not apologize for his privilege." - http://www.salon.com/2014/05/06/right_wing_wunderkind_syndrome_whats_really_behind_the_popularity_of_tal_fortgang/
Guilelessness children are ideal children: innocent, charming, honest, and sincere. - http://taureanw.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/pure_innocence_by_loolah.jpg
2. Tarried
to remain or stay
1275-1325; Middle English
Synonyms: dwell, drag
Antonyms: advance, rush
"We tarried until the sun had risen, but the fog remained as dense as ever." - http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/bizarre-events-confirm-washingtons-faith/
These well behaved dogs are trained and are tarrying in one spot. - http://www.dogguide.net/images/Stay.jpg
3. Contemporaries
existing, occurring, or living at the same time
1625-35; Late Latin
Synonyms: time, breed
Antonyms; destruction, waste
"Tiger Shroff Beats Rajinikanth And Other Bollywood Contemporaries." - http://businessofcinema.com/news/tiger-shroff-beats-rajinikanth-bollywood-contemporaries/143808
Shakespeare lived in the times of Queen Elizabeth and other contemporaries. - http://shakespeare.emory.edu/illustrations/Faed.Shakespeare.jpg
4. Mausoleum
a stately and magnificent tomb
1375-1425; late Middle English
Synonyms: burial, cemetery
Antonyms: alive, well
"Vietnamese mother, daughter living in Taoyuan mausoleum deported." - http://www.wantchinatimes.com/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?id=20140508000070&cid=1103
This elegant mausoleum belonged to the Smith family, who had great enough wealth to afford such a fine, fancy tomb. - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/Oakwood_Mausoleum.JPG
5. Apoplectic
having apoplexy (stroke)
1605-15; Late Latin
Synonyms: frozen, immobile
Antonyms: alive, lively
"Apoplectic about home renovations: Gaglardi Jr. testifies." - http://infotel.ca/newsitem/apoplectic-about-home-renovations-gaglardi-sr-testifies/it9360
Apoplectic people could become deprived of blood in the brain and should be monitored. - http://www.island.lk/2009/01/06/fea72.jpg
6. Palliation
to relieve, alleviate
1540-50; Late Latin
Synonyms: cure, ease
Antonyms: aggravation
"Palliation is rarely a topic in studies on advanced cancer." - http://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-04-palliation-rarely-topic-advanced-cancer.html
Even something as simple as showing patience and caring toward the sick and elderly can help palliate and alleviate their pain and suffering. - https://www.lunge.dk/sites/default/files/styles/tall_image/public/haender_til_web_2.jpg?itok=xDZe3nGJ
7. Qualm
a sudden feeling of apprehensive uneasiness
1520-30; origin uncertain
Synonyms: nervousness, anxiety
Antonyms: calm, collected
"No qualm about child marriage." - http://bdnews24.com/bangladesh/2014/04/28/no-qualm-about-child-marriage
Feeling a qualm, Josiah suddenly decided he was to afraid to ride the motorcycle on the street. - http://www.digitaltrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/BlackBerry-Torch-9810-sample-image.jpg
8. Papoose
a North American Indian baby or young child
1625-35; Americanism
Synonyms: babe, child
Antonyms: adult, elder
"Woman, possibly drunk, arrested with baby in papoose." - http://www.fox21news.com/news/story.aspx?id=1039826
Sacajawea is famous for exploring western America with her child, papoose-style on her back. - http://www.jandklongphotography.com/_images/gallery-old-west-portraits/images/pee-a-rat-and-baby-ute_jpg.jpg
9. Myopic
nearsighted, shortsighted, narrow-minded
1790-1800; Latin
Synonyms: blind, biased
Antonyms: far-sighted, perfect vision
"PM may be a myopic not to see Modi wave: Arun Jaitley." - http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/pm-may-be-a-myopic-not-to-see-modi-wave-arun-jaitley/
Due to specific abnormalities to the eyeball, a person can become myopic and not see well far away. - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ae/Myopia.gif
10. Amanuensis
a person employed to write what another dictates, secretary
1610-20; Latin
Synonyms: auditor, bookkeeper
Antonyms: boss, in charge
"Even so, knowing that the axiom that allures a drone should be an amanuensis, many of the escapades for my propagandist incarcerate." - http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2014/04/30/perelmanexcerpt/Rm2R9bXlg3WC7i2531eOpO/story.html
This picture shows an amanuensis acting as secretary to a trial case. - http://www.scruta.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/amanuensis.jpg
11. Penitentiary
a place for imprisonment, discipline, or punishment
1375-1425; late Middle English
Synonyms: lockup, jail
Antonyms: freedom, release
"New penitentiary speaks to Walla Walla Sunrise Rotary." - http://union-bulletin.com/news/2014/may/08/new-penitentiary-speaks-walla-walla-sunrise-rotary/
Azkaban is a famous penitentiary for wizards and witches who abuse magic. - http://www.hp-lexicon.org/images/azkaban-island-uk-cover.jpg
12. Edification
the state of being edified; uplift
1350-1400; Middle English
Synonyms: elevation, knowledge
Antonyms: destruction, worsening
"For years, I was doing unofficial research for my own edification." - http://triblive.com/neighborhoods/yourmtpleasant/6035523-74/glass-hawkins-bryce
Being with friends can be uplifting and put on in the state of edification. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhXteKr-gWxFEWcZ7vwqiukb1Nb6RFAI9SVIq3s3SjaeyjollfEfROr3HFB35HErHE_QiLcfGmWO81BGp94n-VR1kIeLCZDXPUoO7CZgqKK8_2FIG4daZ3nyrVwlmuBtytFWD4S0tlHEeo/s1600/family.jpg
13. Encumbered
to impede, hinder, hamper
1300-50; Middle English
Synonyms: overburden, block
Antonyms: advance, aid
"Huff Encumbered By New-Car Issues In Searing Moroccan Qualifying." - http://paddocktalk.com/news/html/story-248090.html
The lock on this mouth is encumbering the person from speaking out and being free. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjeUb4RFTZ5OHMoEqk6CSQhEimtaCVYYdNNiDJZy3o2DdXAdqWK-1G_82g4GHN7TiOGWDAXEf24Fn5Z_aw1qKawiow9r-WZwM4TFOFvqY5zL7XRhM3uNz1xGyz8taNFE5ApcymA2zbYTogc/s1600/Zip_it_!.jpg
14. Aggregation
a group or mass of distinct or varied things
1540-50; Medieval Latin
Synonyms: gathering, all
Antonyms: miscellaneous, unorganized
"New Aggregation App Yahoo News Digest Launches for Android." - http://www.droid-life.com/2014/05/08/news-aggregation-app-yahoo-news-launches-for-android/
In the picture, workers are having an aggregation of puzzle pieces, putting similar pieces together. - http://www.humanpotentialsunlimited.com/images/puzzlepic.jpg
Thursday, May 1, 2014
1. Chattels
a slave
1175-1225; Middle English
Synonyms: slave, property
Antonyms: guest, boss
"I didn't want to "obey" anyone; I didn't want to be "given away" like I was a chattel." - http://www.newstatesman.com/society/2014/05/why-i-refuse-get-married-until-we-have-equality-certificate
In Star Wars, Princess Leia was made a chattel, a slave, to the hideous Jabba the Hutt. - http://www.the-spearhead.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/chattel2.jpg
2. Assuaged
to make milder, less severe
1250-1300; Middle English
Synonyms: allay, alleviate
Antonyms: aggravate, agitate
"Guilt Assuaged By Ethnic Dining." - http://www.memphisflyer.com/FlyontheWallBlog/archives/2014/04/16/guilt-assuaged-by-ethnic-dining
When people have headaches, they take aspirin or other medication to help assuage their illness. - http://img.tfd.com/wn/5F/BECBC-assuage.png
3. Smilax
a delicate, twining plant
1595-1605; Latin
Synonyms: flower, flora
Antonyms: fauna, abiotic
"The intertwining of the vine among the muscadine was like the common greenbrier (smilax glauca)." - http://www.newtoncitizen.com/news/2014/apr/14/orrin-morris-smooth-greenbrier-sheds-its-blooms/?community
The plant smilax is known for having a waxy look and texture to its leaves. - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/Smilax_rotundifolia_8.JPG
4. Sojourn
a temporary stay
1200-50; Middle English
Synonyms: layover, residence
Antonyms: permanent, leave
"Local woman complete Jordan sojourn." - http://union-bulletin.com/news/2014/apr/29/local-woman-completes-jordan-sojourn/
On a private yacht, one could take a sojourn on the open sea for multiple days. - http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff182/ramsport47/44Sojourn_Running.jpg
5. Expounding
to explain; interpret
1250-1300; Middle English
Synonyms: clarify, delineate
Antonyms: complicate, confuse
"No one in Washington smirks when expounding the president's views." - http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/brits-saw-reagan-as-a-bozo-and-a-bumbler/story-fnb64oi6-1226902579950
Here, Socrates is expounding, or explaining, his knowledge and philosophies to a pupil. - http://www.maicar.com/GML/000Iconography/Socrates/slides/9225.jpg
6. Fractious
refractory or unruly
(frak-shuh s)
1715-25; Middle English
Synonyms: testy, irritable
Antonyms: obedient, complaisant
"Insipid international Jazz Day whitewashes a fractious past." - http://theconversation.com/insipid-international-jazz-day-whitewashes-a-fractious-past-26022
Fractious children can be quite irritating and should be dealt with by stern parenting. - http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/08/11/article-1302273-0279A835000004B0-722_468x347.jpg
7. Arbitrated
to decide as arbitrator; decide between opposing parties
1580-90; Latin
Synonyms: adjudicate, interpose
Antonyms: ignore, agitate
"Branch Law Firm Says Avandia Fee Claim Must Be Arbitrated." -http://www.law360.com/articles/525783/branch-law-firm-says-avandia-fee-claim-must-be-arbitrated
The man in the middle is working as arbitrator, being a mediator for the two men who obviously are at each other's throats. The arbitrator is an unbiased party who will decide between the opposing parties. - http://www.constructionlawtoday.com/uploads/image/arbitration%5B1%5D.jpg
8. Camellia
any of several shrubs of the genus camellia
1745-55; named after G. J. Camellus
Synonyms: flora, roses
Antonyms: fauna, abiotic
"Cool, wet spring favors azalea camellia leaf gall." - http://www.nwfdailynews.com/lifestyle/columns/larry-williams/cool-wet-spring-favors-azalea-camellia-leaf-gall-1.310159
Camellias are often pink, white, or blue, and can be easily confused with roses. - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7d/Camellia_japonica-IMG_2052.jpg
9. Benign
having a kind disposition, gracious
1275-1325; Middle English
Synonyms: benevolent, gentle
Antonyms: harsh, rough
"Buried in Your Primary Ballot; Benign Questions, Huge Stakes!" - http://www.politicususa.com/2014/04/29/buried-primary-ballot-benign-questions-huge-stakes.html
The Good Samaritan is famous for being benign and kind, the only person to stop and help an abused citizen. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhRL9IaqFIPwvLyXGuIxU4_UBVtKnCx-_mPgzH5vaq3RKqD8FgqvWR2sTZylJfd0wxYfqVhQbOHRi9zQKUqc0jWG6GwYKaPSLlUwhOIk1A5UORlTOc07l2GP0KI4fEF9255YkoFTtIk17Rf/s1600/O_bom_samaritano.jpg
10. Asinine
foolish, unintelligent, or silly
1600-10; Latin
Synonyms: absurd, daft
Antonyms: clever, intelligent
"Monica Crowley puts asinine Obama-Biden selfie in brutal persepective." - http://twitchy.com/2014/04/17/monica-crowley-puts-asinine-obama-biden-selfie-in-brutal-perspective/
Homer Simpson is known for being an asinine, foolish character in modern culture. - http://stuffunemployedpeoplelike.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/bad-reaction-to-careerbuilder-article.jpg
11. Lattice
a structure (frame) made of wood
1350-1400; Middle English
Synonyms: frame, fretwork
Antonyms: solid, finished
"Why Lattice Semicondutor Shares Leapt Today." - http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2014/04/25/why-lattice-semiconductor-shares-leapt-today.aspx
The lattice used on this porch makes the house look classy and well kept and allows flowers to grow among it, bringing color to the home. - http://www.xpansegreateroutdoors.com/images/sized/images/products/lattice2-670x392.jpg
12. Dismember
to deprive of limbs
1250-1300; Middle English
Synonyms: autopsy, postmortem
Antonyms: connection, joining
"Robbery charge against suspect in 2 dismember murders." - http://www.nj.com/jjournal-news/index.ssf/2014/04/robbery_charge_against_suspect.html
This disturbing picture shows dolls being dismembers, separating its head from its body. - http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/1348611141_6771161601_ff68cd7218_b.jpg
13. Ascertaining
to find out
1400-50; late Middle English
Synonyms: confirm, verify
Antonyms: disprove, invalidate
".....and conclusions, what incentive do they have to exercise care in ascertaining and applying facts?" - http://www.mondaq.com/unitedstates/x/310974/Securities/Whats+The+Opposite+Of+Rubber+Stamping+A+Settlement+Meet+Judge+Kane+In+SEC+v+Van+Gilder
This image shows a man searching the world around him, trying to ascertain the answers to the real questions in life like: "what should i have for dinner?". - http://www.npl.co.uk/upload/img/binoculars.jpg
14. Crude
in a raw or unprepared state
1350-1400; Middle English
Synonyms: rude, indecent
Antonyms: clean, delicate
"A train carrying crude oil derailed and crashed in downtown Lynchburg, Va. Wednesday." - http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/train-derails-lynchburg-va-creating-massive-fire-smoke-article-1.1774353
This crude shelter is raw, natural, and in a rudimentary stage. - http://talkingtree.org/images/20070911100924_wikiup.jpg
15. Taffeta
a medium-weight or light-weight fabric
1325-75; Middle English
Synonyms: fiber, thread
Antonyms: hard, solid
"Holy Taffeta! The Prom Bubble Has Burst." - http://time.com/57416/prom-bubble-burst/
Due to its light weight, taffeta is a perfect choice for prom dresses - http://www.dreamingweddingdress.com/images/uplode/0sod/taffeta-ruffle-dress-sod37029.jpg
16. Libel
law, malicious lie
1250-1300; Middle English
Synonyms: defamation, obloquy
Antonyms: compliment, praise
"Erdogan's son files libel suit against opposition leader." - http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2014/04/erdogan-son-kilicdaroglu-libel-suit-chp-corruption.html
Newspapers and tabloids are known for telling libel at the expense of famous figures. - http://www.monsterthinking.com/wp-content/uploads/rumors-run-wild.jpg
a slave
1175-1225; Middle English
Synonyms: slave, property
Antonyms: guest, boss
"I didn't want to "obey" anyone; I didn't want to be "given away" like I was a chattel." - http://www.newstatesman.com/society/2014/05/why-i-refuse-get-married-until-we-have-equality-certificate
In Star Wars, Princess Leia was made a chattel, a slave, to the hideous Jabba the Hutt. - http://www.the-spearhead.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/chattel2.jpg
2. Assuaged
to make milder, less severe
1250-1300; Middle English
Synonyms: allay, alleviate
Antonyms: aggravate, agitate
"Guilt Assuaged By Ethnic Dining." - http://www.memphisflyer.com/FlyontheWallBlog/archives/2014/04/16/guilt-assuaged-by-ethnic-dining
When people have headaches, they take aspirin or other medication to help assuage their illness. - http://img.tfd.com/wn/5F/BECBC-assuage.png
3. Smilax
a delicate, twining plant
1595-1605; Latin
Synonyms: flower, flora
Antonyms: fauna, abiotic
"The intertwining of the vine among the muscadine was like the common greenbrier (smilax glauca)." - http://www.newtoncitizen.com/news/2014/apr/14/orrin-morris-smooth-greenbrier-sheds-its-blooms/?community
The plant smilax is known for having a waxy look and texture to its leaves. - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/Smilax_rotundifolia_8.JPG
4. Sojourn
a temporary stay
1200-50; Middle English
Synonyms: layover, residence
Antonyms: permanent, leave
"Local woman complete Jordan sojourn." - http://union-bulletin.com/news/2014/apr/29/local-woman-completes-jordan-sojourn/
On a private yacht, one could take a sojourn on the open sea for multiple days. - http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff182/ramsport47/44Sojourn_Running.jpg
5. Expounding
to explain; interpret
1250-1300; Middle English
Synonyms: clarify, delineate
Antonyms: complicate, confuse
"No one in Washington smirks when expounding the president's views." - http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/brits-saw-reagan-as-a-bozo-and-a-bumbler/story-fnb64oi6-1226902579950
Here, Socrates is expounding, or explaining, his knowledge and philosophies to a pupil. - http://www.maicar.com/GML/000Iconography/Socrates/slides/9225.jpg
6. Fractious
refractory or unruly
(frak-shuh s)
1715-25; Middle English
Synonyms: testy, irritable
Antonyms: obedient, complaisant
"Insipid international Jazz Day whitewashes a fractious past." - http://theconversation.com/insipid-international-jazz-day-whitewashes-a-fractious-past-26022
Fractious children can be quite irritating and should be dealt with by stern parenting. - http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/08/11/article-1302273-0279A835000004B0-722_468x347.jpg
7. Arbitrated
to decide as arbitrator; decide between opposing parties
1580-90; Latin
Synonyms: adjudicate, interpose
Antonyms: ignore, agitate
"Branch Law Firm Says Avandia Fee Claim Must Be Arbitrated." -http://www.law360.com/articles/525783/branch-law-firm-says-avandia-fee-claim-must-be-arbitrated
The man in the middle is working as arbitrator, being a mediator for the two men who obviously are at each other's throats. The arbitrator is an unbiased party who will decide between the opposing parties. - http://www.constructionlawtoday.com/uploads/image/arbitration%5B1%5D.jpg
8. Camellia
any of several shrubs of the genus camellia
1745-55; named after G. J. Camellus
Synonyms: flora, roses
Antonyms: fauna, abiotic
"Cool, wet spring favors azalea camellia leaf gall." - http://www.nwfdailynews.com/lifestyle/columns/larry-williams/cool-wet-spring-favors-azalea-camellia-leaf-gall-1.310159
Camellias are often pink, white, or blue, and can be easily confused with roses. - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7d/Camellia_japonica-IMG_2052.jpg
9. Benign
having a kind disposition, gracious
1275-1325; Middle English
Synonyms: benevolent, gentle
Antonyms: harsh, rough
"Buried in Your Primary Ballot; Benign Questions, Huge Stakes!" - http://www.politicususa.com/2014/04/29/buried-primary-ballot-benign-questions-huge-stakes.html
The Good Samaritan is famous for being benign and kind, the only person to stop and help an abused citizen. - https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhRL9IaqFIPwvLyXGuIxU4_UBVtKnCx-_mPgzH5vaq3RKqD8FgqvWR2sTZylJfd0wxYfqVhQbOHRi9zQKUqc0jWG6GwYKaPSLlUwhOIk1A5UORlTOc07l2GP0KI4fEF9255YkoFTtIk17Rf/s1600/O_bom_samaritano.jpg
10. Asinine
foolish, unintelligent, or silly
1600-10; Latin
Synonyms: absurd, daft
Antonyms: clever, intelligent
"Monica Crowley puts asinine Obama-Biden selfie in brutal persepective." - http://twitchy.com/2014/04/17/monica-crowley-puts-asinine-obama-biden-selfie-in-brutal-perspective/
Homer Simpson is known for being an asinine, foolish character in modern culture. - http://stuffunemployedpeoplelike.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/bad-reaction-to-careerbuilder-article.jpg
11. Lattice
a structure (frame) made of wood
1350-1400; Middle English
Synonyms: frame, fretwork
Antonyms: solid, finished
"Why Lattice Semicondutor Shares Leapt Today." - http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2014/04/25/why-lattice-semiconductor-shares-leapt-today.aspx
The lattice used on this porch makes the house look classy and well kept and allows flowers to grow among it, bringing color to the home. - http://www.xpansegreateroutdoors.com/images/sized/images/products/lattice2-670x392.jpg
12. Dismember
to deprive of limbs
1250-1300; Middle English
Synonyms: autopsy, postmortem
Antonyms: connection, joining
"Robbery charge against suspect in 2 dismember murders." - http://www.nj.com/jjournal-news/index.ssf/2014/04/robbery_charge_against_suspect.html
This disturbing picture shows dolls being dismembers, separating its head from its body. - http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/1348611141_6771161601_ff68cd7218_b.jpg
13. Ascertaining
to find out
1400-50; late Middle English
Synonyms: confirm, verify
Antonyms: disprove, invalidate
".....and conclusions, what incentive do they have to exercise care in ascertaining and applying facts?" - http://www.mondaq.com/unitedstates/x/310974/Securities/Whats+The+Opposite+Of+Rubber+Stamping+A+Settlement+Meet+Judge+Kane+In+SEC+v+Van+Gilder
This image shows a man searching the world around him, trying to ascertain the answers to the real questions in life like: "what should i have for dinner?". - http://www.npl.co.uk/upload/img/binoculars.jpg
14. Crude
in a raw or unprepared state
1350-1400; Middle English
Synonyms: rude, indecent
Antonyms: clean, delicate
"A train carrying crude oil derailed and crashed in downtown Lynchburg, Va. Wednesday." - http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/train-derails-lynchburg-va-creating-massive-fire-smoke-article-1.1774353
This crude shelter is raw, natural, and in a rudimentary stage. - http://talkingtree.org/images/20070911100924_wikiup.jpg
15. Taffeta
a medium-weight or light-weight fabric
1325-75; Middle English
Synonyms: fiber, thread
Antonyms: hard, solid
"Holy Taffeta! The Prom Bubble Has Burst." - http://time.com/57416/prom-bubble-burst/
Due to its light weight, taffeta is a perfect choice for prom dresses - http://www.dreamingweddingdress.com/images/uplode/0sod/taffeta-ruffle-dress-sod37029.jpg
16. Libel
law, malicious lie
1250-1300; Middle English
Synonyms: defamation, obloquy
Antonyms: compliment, praise
"Erdogan's son files libel suit against opposition leader." - http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2014/04/erdogan-son-kilicdaroglu-libel-suit-chp-corruption.html
Newspapers and tabloids are known for telling libel at the expense of famous figures. - http://www.monsterthinking.com/wp-content/uploads/rumors-run-wild.jpg
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